Sunday, April 4, 2010

11:30 PM - 2 comments

test at a work force

in any working company in America, every employer are suppose to be given some kind of test in order for them to be employed in the company. some companies only give a drug test while others give both personality test and drug test.the company that give both est to their employee before they hire them think they people they need in there company must be friendly in order for them to gain more customers and make profit for their company. in order for a person to work in a company like that , one must pass the drug test and also have a good personality , enduring and understanding. the purpose of the test is to see how well can a person get along with people around you.


A good start - think about your first sentence. Is this true? How do you know it? Is there a more specific claim you could make from one of your sources to introduce this topic?

You *really* need to rethink that first statement. Does everyone really get treated equally in this respect? Who gets tested and who doesn't? Why?

I once had a job that required drug testing. The job was in a factory that made wire and cables for car tires, operating a machine that pulled scrap wire off of spools at the end of the production process. It was hard and dangerous work -- easy to lose a finger on that machine. Plus we had to work 12-hour shifts, and every two weeks the shift would switch from day to night. Even under those conditions I resented the drug testing: sure, safety is important in a factory, but drug tests don't test whether you use drugs *at work.* How is it any of my employers' business what I do in my spare time? I came to resent it even more, though, when I realized that the shift managers and the people who worked in the front office didn't have to take the drug tests.

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