Monday, April 19, 2010

9:13 AM - 3 comments

"Who Built the Pyramids," and "Born Rich"

who built the pyramid by Micheal Lefevre talk about about how it is stressful to be a working class in America . to Micheal being a working class means a person have to do all the work without being recognised for it. he feels that he have to struggle to make in the society because he needs every working hours in can get in order to make the ends meet in his family hold. he also think working class man are always thought as being illiterate and uneducated. he talked about how he wish he can be recognised for his work as being a steelworker instead of some snubby rich kid taking the recognition for it. he think life it unfair because even when he try to speak for his right he might get punished for it because he is just a working class working for some sunbby rich man.
In born rich a bunch of rich kids were interviewed oh how does it feels to be a child from a rich family. some of the kids think that there life is as perfect as it can get because they have everything they want , when it comes to money and class. they go to one of the most expensive schools in the world and dine at the best restaurant, they do not work but yet they are known for whatever reason. this kids can pass a class without even attending the class because of the status the society put them in.
the way people respect you in the society is based on how much money a person have and the people you hang out with . the rich will never be treated the same as the middle class because they have the money to buy there way through the society. the thing that
Micheal Lefvre and the rich kids have in common is that they both want to be recognised for something, only that the rich kids can actually achieve that goal without not doing much , while a working class might try to be recognised and at the end of the day he wont be recognised at all.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

11:30 PM - 2 comments

test at a work force

in any working company in America, every employer are suppose to be given some kind of test in order for them to be employed in the company. some companies only give a drug test while others give both personality test and drug test.the company that give both est to their employee before they hire them think they people they need in there company must be friendly in order for them to gain more customers and make profit for their company. in order for a person to work in a company like that , one must pass the drug test and also have a good personality , enduring and understanding. the purpose of the test is to see how well can a person get along with people around you.